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Q with Tom Power
Five days a week acclaimed interviewer Tom Power sits down with the artists, writers, actors and musicians who define pop culture.
Quais de Floirac | Bordeaux Métropole
10 avr. 2024 Assurer une cohérence avec le quartier Garonne Eiffel,; Accueillir un équipement métropolitain structurant : une grande salle de spectacle de 11
Effect of Use of a Bougie vs Endotracheal Tube With Stylet on ...
28 déc. 2021 Conclusions and relevance: Among critically ill adults undergoing tracheal intubation, use of a bougie did not significantly increase the
Weight gain after kidney donation: Association with increased risks ...
Like the general population, donors gained weight as they aged; a higher BMI was associated with higher incidence of DM and HTN. Postdonation care should