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Translate "ASPIRATEUR" from French into English | Collins French ...
In other languages. aspirateur A Hoover is an electric machine which sucks up dust and dirt from carpets. A vacuum cleaner or a vacuum is an electric
Translate "CANAPÉ-LIT" from French into English | Collins French ...
In other languages. canapé-lit A sofa bed is a type of sofa whose seat folds out so that it can also be used as a bed.
Prime Slots - The Home For Online Slots In The UK
Experience the biggest selections of online slots available in the UK. Prime Slots, the destination of choice for online slot players. 18+.
Car Rental in United Kingdom | Europcar
Spanning 874 miles from John O'Groats to Land's End, the United Kingdom is ideal for traveling by car. Europcar car rental in the UK will help you with any car
Dream Vacations | Cruise and Land Vacations
Whether you're planning a relaxing escape, a girlfriend getaway, a man-cation, a romantic honeymoon or a family reunion, your experience will be completely
Combined cycle power plant - Wikipedia
On land, when used to make electricity the most common type is called a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant, which is a kind of gas-fired power plant. The
Employ Florida
Employ Florida - Complete set of employment tools for job seekers in Florida. Job seekers and employers access jobs, résumés, education, training,