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GRAVE definition in American English | Collins English Dictionary
Hindi-English Dictionary. English ⇄ Chinese. English-Simplified an excavation made in the earth in which to bury a dead body. 2. any place of
English Translation of “CAFARD” | Collins French-English Dictionary
il y a 3 jours A cockroach is a large brown insect that is often found in dirty or damp places. American English: cockroach /ˈkɒkroʊtʃ/; Arabic: صَرْصُور
cafard - English translation – Linguee
cafard" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations cafard noun, masculine—. cockroach n. less common: roach n. ·. funk n. cafard
VACANCE definition in American English | Collins English Dictionary
Scottish a vacant period; vacancy. Click for pronunciations, examples sentences, video.
Translate "ASPIRATEUR" from French into English | Collins French ...
In other languages. aspirateur A Hoover is an electric machine which sucks up dust and dirt from carpets. A vacuum cleaner or a vacuum is an electric
Translate "CANAPÉ-LIT" from French into English | Collins French ...
In other languages. canapé-lit A sofa bed is a type of sofa whose seat folds out so that it can also be used as a bed.
11 meilleurs logiciels de gestion de stock gratuits - LeDigitalizeur
1 sept. 2023 C'est un outil qui vous permet de suivre les marchandises et les niveaux de stock tout au long de la chaîne d'approvisionnement (supply chain)
TOP 8 : meilleurs logiciels de gestion de stock open source/gratuits ...
3 oct. 2022 Cet article fait la lumière sur les avantages d'un logiciel pour gérer vos stocks. Nous avons sélectionné pour vous 8 solutions pour vous